Global Health Equity Foundation, GHEF

Population-Based Cancer Research 

 Translational Initiatives

The GHEF trajectory in community-based and population-based cancer research remains to identify the risk and predisposing factors, treatment, prognosis, survival and mortality, given racial /ethnic disparities in these malignant neoplasm outcomes. With these data assessment and evaluation, prostate cancer mortality remains excess among blacks/AA men in the USA, as well as pediatric ALL, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer (Hispanics/Blacks-AA) and renal cell carcinoma.  These racial/ethnic mortality disparities in this malignant neoplasm, requires reliable and accurate data investigations and data collection, analysis and interpretation in cancer health disparities, and the application of these dynamic investigations in health disparities marginalization.  

The GHEF has an obligation in cancer health disparities marginalization and ultimate elimination, hence, cancer health equity transformation. With early screening of racial/ethnic minorities with low social gradient as the cause of causes of cancer incidence, CHEF request a translational initiative in early screening, timely diagnosis good prognosis and survival advantage.    

The GHEF direction in transforming health equity in cancer requires: 

(a) Community needs assessment 

(b) Data analysis and presentation

 (c) Funding request in research, intervention mapping, implementation and evaluation    

 (d) Intervention implementation in cancer disease control and prevention 

Specifically, in intervention mapping, GHEF requires the application of surrogate epigenomic data in this direction.