Global Health Equity Foundation

(GHEF) Translational Initiatives

The GHEF reflects the marginalized health outcomes of racial/ethnic minorities, and the underserved whites. Since we all reside in a global village, addressing the health of these subpopulations in DE and Mid-Atlantic optimizes global health.


The GHEF aims to improve the health and well-being of racial/ethnic minorities by utilizing disproportionate universalism in health outcomes attainment, thus transforming health equity by 2033.


 The Global Health Equity Foundation (GHEF) is dedicated to understanding the cause of causes of health disparities such as social gradient and aberrant epigenomic modulations in disease incidence, treatment outcome as prognosis, survival and mortality among racial/ethnic minorities and the underserved whites in the state of Delaware and the mid-Atlantic States, hence transforming health equity and optimizing global health. 

The GHEF maintains an equitable health environment for all Americans regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, geographic locale, language, age, socio-economic status, education, sexual orientation and religion.

 Specifically, GEHF applies reliable, accurate and translational knowledge in health screening, community wellness, health education & prevention, as well as public health research in intervention mapping and health disparities narrowing and ultimate elimination, thus transforming health equity.